
Building A Budget In 5 Simple Steps
Do you feel you’re constantly running out of money and living paycheck to paycheck? This is a stressful feeling that nobody likes. One way to

PennyProfit User Of The Month: Gray P.
Imagine you and your spouse dining together at a 5 star restaurant. You order sizzling steaks, delicious hard cheeses whose names you can’t even pronounce,

Are You Living Above Your Means? Take Our Quiz To Find Out
If all your friends are going out to eat, and you want to go but have already spent your eating out budget for the month,

It’s Your Birthday—Get Free Food!
You wake up on your birthday and find your inbox flooded. Only this time it’s not filled up with boring spam, no, it’s filled up

PennyProfit User Of The Month October 2020: Janet Hill
For many, living on a fixed income can feel very stressful and restrictive. You may have enough to cover your basic needs, but things can

5 Financial Tips for Young Adults
Wouldn’t it be amazing if in high school American students learned valuable personal finance skills like budgeting, how to use credit cards, how health insurance