
Date Night Jar Ideas
One of my favorite parts about PennyProfit is the ability to save with someone. This has made date night planning with my SO super simple!

Coin Shortage…What?
Toilet paper. Meat. Coins. What do these 3 things have in common? They have all been the subject of a significant shortage during the COVID-19

Saving Money As Self Care—4 Principles To Live By
“Saving money helps to support you. I believe it is therefore a form of self-care” -Laura McDonnell Money Coach I couldn’t tell you why this particular

How To Host The Greatest Office Pool Ever
We’ve all participated in a little office betting, whether it’s March Madness or wagering on who will win Best Picture (which nobody ever guesses correctly

My 8 Year Old Neighbor Made More Money Than Me Today
While this pandemic has been a wave of grief, uncertainty, and financial insecurity for many, for some, it has become a beacon of opportunity. Case

Paying For A Family Reunion When Money Is Tight
One of the most valuable things in life is your family. Those who are blessed with family they love and care about might be overjoyed